Sunday, May 31, 2009

Chloe taking her watering job very seriously!

BBQ with the Patock's & Kachinsky's

Jim ran out of propane in the middle of cooking.

Poor little guy only had 1 we fed him lots of food!

A beautiful day of baseball.

Cayden hit the ball to left field!

Cayden on 1st base.

Chloe missed her Uncle G. He was away on vacation and she did not get to see him for almost 2 weeks!

Riley up to bat against his good friend Jimmy.

Faith, Chloe and Hailey.

Some of the boys fans.

Beanie representing the Cubs!

Corie and me.

Chloe and Faith.....way too cute!

Cayden and Ann after his game.

Riley playing 2nd base.

Rebecca and me.