Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve @ Grandma & Grandpa's house

Aunt Katie made these for the kids to color.

Chloe and Aunt Allison working hard.

Grandma and Emily.

Playing Wii.

Taking a break.

Emily and Chloe loves sitting on the little chairs Grandma has.

Talking on the phone to "Gams."

Making their own pizzas! (Great idea Aunt Allison!!)

Cayden and Mommy.

Chloe and Grandpa coloring together.

Uncle Brad and upside down Emily.

Riley and dad.

Showing off his strength.

Eating their pizzas that they made. They were GOOD.

Beating up Uncle Brad.

Sweet dreams Olivia.


Cayden and Chloe love their cousin Rudy.

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